Taco Salad

15 min.
serves 4
1 lb. ground turkeyavocado
1 pkg. taco seasoning mix1 pkg. tortilla chips
lettuce, choppedcheddar or Monterey Jack cheese, grated
tomatoes, diced2/3 cup water
onion, diced1 lime

Cook the turkey; add the seasoning mix and water. Make a salad with lettuce, tomato and onions. Serve with guacamole (or Southwest Salsa!), tortilla chips and grated cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese. Guacamole: peel the avocado and remove seed. Mash the avocado and mix with diced tomato (the more juice the better, it keeps the avocado from turning brown), diced onion, and a squeeze of lime. Salt and pepper to taste.