Winnie Sams

35 min.
serves 4
1 lb. round steak sliced very thin
1 pkg. bacon
1 jar mustard
1 chopped onion
1 dash salt & pepper
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges

Spread meat with mustard. Add 1 slice cooked bacon (although Frau Schmidt, the German lady who gave this recipe to Winnie Sams, used raw bacon), chopped onion, tomato wedge, salt & pepper to meat and roll up, securing with a toothpick. Do the same with each slice of meat. Brown the meat in bacon grease (or olive oil) in a pan on all sides, lower heat and cook covered around 30 minutes. To make gravy, remove meat and add 1 cup water w/ some flour to the pan drippings and cook until bubbly. Serve with mashed potatoes and green beans. Note: I have made this with thin-sliced pork and it was very good.