Potato Pancakes
Sheryl Julian

4 russet potatoes
1/2 onion, rough chopped
2 tbsp flour
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Peel the potatoes and place them in a bowl of cold water until needed (this helps prevent greying). Chop 3 of the potatoes and the onion into 1-inch chunks; leave the last potato in the water. Combine chopped potatoes and onion in food processor. Pulse the mixture until it forms a pulp-like puree, scraping down the sides of the bowl once or twice (or six times lol!). Pour the potato-onion mixture into a colander lined with cheesecloth. Gather the corners of the cheesecloth around the potato-onion mixture and twist to squeeze out as much liquid as possible (you may get up to a cup of liquid). Leave the potato mixture in the cloth once squeezed to reduce exposure to air (which can start to turn the potatoes grey). Grate the remaining rudolph potato on the coarse side of a box grater. Transfer the potato mixture from the cheesecloth to a bowl. Add the grated potato, flour, eggs, salt, and pepper. Stir well. In a large cast iron or non-stick skillet, heat some oil over medium heat. When it is shimmering (a crust of bread will brown in 10 seconds) add a generous spoonful of batter to the pan, like you're making pancakes (about 1/4 cup of batter), and use the bottom of the spoon to flatten the mounds. Cook for 3 minutes, or until brown on the bottom. Flip and cook until the other side is also browned, 3 minutes more. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels to remove any excess grease. Continue cooking the rest of the pancakes in batches, adding more oil to the pan as needed.