Tortilla Egg Rolls
Nadiya Time to Eat

20 min.
1 flour tortillaCheddar cheese, shredded
2 eggs, beatenblack olives, sliced
onion, choppedolive oil
green & red peppers, choppedSalt & pepper, garlic powder, herbs, etc.
mushrooms, slicedBacon or ham, chopped (optional)

This recipe is for one egg roll so increase amounts if making more! Chop fresh veggies and arrange on a plate near your cooktop. Spread some salsa on a tortilla and set aside. Heat some oil and pour in the eggs, swirling to coat bottom. As egg is cooking, season with salt and pepper, garlic powder or seasonings of choice. Sprinkle on veggies and cheese (and meat, if using) in even layer, not too much! Place the tortilla salsa-side down over the eggs and press with your hand to bond with eggs. Cook for 30 seconds more then flip. Let the tortilla get nicely toasted then slide onto a plate. Roll it up and enjoy! Then make some more for everyone else!