Albanian Pasta

30 min
serves 4
1/2 box Farfalle pasta1/2 red pepper
2 tbsp olive oil1/2 green pepper
3 tbsp pesto sauce10 olives
1/2 cucumber2 tomatoes

Chop cucumber, red and green pepper. Dice olives and tomatoes. Boil pasta. Wash in cold water. Add to sauce: Pour olive oil in pan; medium high heat. Add pesto sauce. Wait for it to get hot. Add green pepper and red pepper first. Saute them (wait until sizzling). Add olives, then wait 20 seconds. Add tomatoes with juice from dicing the tomatoes. Wait to sizzle and bubble. Add 1/4 cup boiled water (for two people). Add salt. Stir well. Wait to boil a bit (30 seconds). Add cucumber. Wait 10 seconds while mixing. Add cooked pasta.