Winnie Sams

30 min.
serves 4
1 lb. ground beef or turkey1/4 tsp. thyme
1 onion, chopped1/2 tsp. oregano
1 can tomato soup1/3 cup raw rice
1/8 tsp. garlic powder1/2 green pepper, chopped (optional)

Brown beef; add onion and green pepper & saute until tender. Add soup plus 1 can water, seasoning plus salt & pepper. Add raw rice; stir. Cover & cook on low heat 30-35 min. until rice is cooked. Add water if necessary to maintain consistency. Winnie got this recipe in the 1950s off a television program (they were one of the first in the neighborhood to get a TV). The station WSUN had a cooking show and one of the episodes featured this recipe.