Enchilada Casserole

30 min.
1 lb. ground turkey1 chopped onion
1 packet taco seasoning1/4 cup chopped green pepper
1 package corn tortillas (about 24)1/4 cup chopped tomato
1 16 oz. jar taco sauce1 can sliced black olives
1 16 oz. package cheddar cheese2 cloves garlic

NOTE: this recipe is a work in progress. Cook turkey and add seasoning and water according to packet instructions. Pour enough enchilada sauce in an oven-safe casserole dish to cover the bottom. Arrange corn tortillas in a layer on top, tearing in half or quarters as needed to fit. Spoon some taco meat on top, sprinkle some onion evenly on that, and cover with some of the cheese. Add another layer of tortillas, and spoon more enchilada sauce on top. Add meat, onion and cheese as before (you may end up with some meat left over, use it for taco salad or something). Add another layer of corn tortillas, pour the rest of the sauce over and smooth with a spoon, making sure to cover all the tortillas. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 30-40 minutes until cheese is melted and bubbly. Serve with salad and tortilla chips.